subject: RLG Warns That DePuy's Reimbursement Proposal Will Shortchange Doctors, Hospitals, and Insurers [print this page] Even if DePuy does approve a request for reimbursement of the amounts paid by a private insurer or Medicare to a surgeon or hospital, however, according to Rottenstein there are substantial, significant administrative costs that will be borne by the insurers. These costs inevitably are passed along to the companies' insureds. "DePuy has not promised to reimburse insurers the transactional costs of paying insured victims' claims and then being reimbursed," says Rottenstein. "The simple solution is to leave insurers out of the process entirely. DePuy should agree to be charged directly by doctors and hospitals and to pay the bills directly, promptly, and fully."
RLG Warns That DePuy's Reimbursement Proposal Will Shortchange Doctors, Hospitals, and Insurers
By: Rochelle Rottenstein
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