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subject: Idol White Teeth Review: A Whiter Smile Without The Hassle [print this page]

The cost of a whiter smile and the multitude of benefits have historically been offset by the cost of professional bleaching administered at the dentist's office. Today there is good news. You can now achieve a brighter, whiter smile without funding your dentist's next golf vacation. An Idol white teeth review will expose a much easier and far less expensive way to the confidence a million dollar smile can create.

Who uses this treatment, and why? Celebrities use idol white. Kim Kardashian is just one of many in the Hollywood in crowd who has discovered the benefits. Normal everyday people use it too. It is now possible for everyone to have the benefits of whiter teeth and the confidence that comes with a better and brighter smile. You can achieve this with an inexpensive at home treatment that takes less than thirty seconds a day and will become a part of your every day routine. It is the safe an easy way to gaining the confidence that only a whiter smile can bring.

Think about it. Have you ever been afraid to smile? Have there been times you might have approached someone at work or at church if not for the embarrassment of a stained smile, the results of years of coffee, cola, or cigarettes? The solution no longer requires expensive treatments or the time and inconvenience of dental trays or gum irritation.

Even better, the treatment is easy to apply and results are seen in as few a seven days. You will likely see an immediate improvement, and in a short time could notice teeth up to 8 shades whiter, all without the risk of increased sensitivity or an irritated gum line, two of the most common complaints of traditional bleaching treatments from a dentist.

You just twist the pen applicator and apply the gel to your teeth once or twice a day. You'll feel better about yourself, more confident and more secure. Having a whiter smile not only affects the way you appear to others, it also makes you feel better about yourself. A brighter smile may be the final piece of the puzzle that gets that date or that job or promotion.

Designed for home use and with your safety and comfort in mind, those never ending and expensive trips to the dentist can now be over. Consider too that a profession bleaching fades over time, and those repeated treatments can put a serious dent in your budget, and all with results that are often less than desired. Idol White is easy to afford and will allow you administer treatments at home and as needed. The process will fit nicely into your daily routine. Any time you notice a spot that needs attention you can do the work at home in far less time and for a lot less money.

Professional bleaching by a dentist can cost over a thousand dollars for each appointment, and there is the real possibility of pain and bleeding along the gum line and increased tooth sensitivity. Now these same results can be achieved, only without those undesirable side effects, and all for far less money. A celebrity smile can be yours, finally, without spending a fortune. Years of neglecting your teeth can be overcome in one short week or less!

If you have suffered or become less confident as a result of a dulled or yellow smile, you can now benefit from a brighter smile and increased confidence using the same product the celebrities use, and you can apply the treatment at home just as they do, for a fraction of the cost of a professional bleaching. Try Idol White and discover the easy way to a brighter smile.

by: Jessica Colby

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