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subject: Transform your business through short code SMS [print this page]

Transform your business through short code SMS

If you are not aware of how to proceed with it, then you can always seek help of short code providers who can guide you in the right direction. The short code gateways allow the users to use various forms of mobile applications like voting, polling, alerts, surveys, news, offers and not to forget the consumer feedbacks. Using short code SMS has been proved effective by most of the marketers as it is a hassle-free approach to reach out to wider audience base within no time. For most of the marketers, it has become a trend to send bulk SMS and for that short code marketing has become the first choice for each one of them as it is convenient and saves a lot of precious time. It has been observed that many a times some urgent promotional or marketing messages are to be sent to the customers and during such time short code SMS is the best possible solution. Nowadays even the television channels are making use of short code marketing by various options like voting and polling. Short code providers promise more than we expect because they know that through such short codes, marketers can send bulk SMS.

Transform your business through short code SMS

By: Srinivas Sakhare

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