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subject: Business Travelers Take Advantage Of Meeting Space Near The Philadelphia Airport [print this page]

Business Travelers Take Advantage Of Meeting Space Near The Philadelphia Airport

Whats a typical out of town business meeting like? In most cases, you get on a plane and when you finally land, you have to hail a cab. The cab takes you to some shabby, out of the way hotel, where you sleep in a room that is never hot or cold enough. Then, you wake up the next day, take a semi warm shower and stumble out to the meeting venue. The venue is small, has the smell of stale smoke, and the equipment hasnt been updated since Nixon was in office.

How productive is a meeting like that?

Now, think of what you could do with your next meeting. You could reserve premier meeting space near the Philadelphia airport. The complimentary airport shuttle service will pick you up and take you to your hotel, which will only be a few short minutes from the airport. You will adjust your room to the proper temperature settings, get a good nights sleep, and take a hot shower in the morning.

Then, you will go downstairs to one of the Philadelphia airport conference rooms. You can go into one of the small rooms for an intimate meeting, or you can choose one of the bigger rooms for a larger Philadelphia airport conference. You will sit down in a comfortable chair and prepare for your meeting. When the meeting begins, you will get to benefit from the latest technology that is available.

Which one of these scenarios sounds better to you? Do you want to be uncomfortable during your meeting? If not, you need to use the top Philadelphia airport meeting facilities. Unless you are applying for martyrdom, pick Philadelphia airport meeting space that has all of the comfort, style and equipment you need for your meeting. After all, you shouldnt suffer just because youre at work.

by: Jed Crowl

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