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subject: Do You Have What It Takes To Start A Business? [print this page]

Do You Have What It Takes To Start A Business?

There are certain fundamental qualities, skills, and abilities that every entrepreneur will need in order to have a successful business start-up. The old paradigm would say you must be know and breath information about money management, sales, operations, marketing, and legal issues. In this day and age in order to succeed you not only need to have these bases covered, you also need to be constantly aware of how to effectively execute them; you need to be consistently learning and growing - gaining knowledge in all areas of business, not only the ones that are immediately affecting you.

Fortunately, as this has become a great necessity in starting a business, there has been the creation of the meta-business world as I like to call it; organizations and business that focus on helping and supplying entrepreneurs with the information and skills they need to succeed. Attaining and being knowledgeable in business however, is not enough to simply go on, there are also aspects to business that are less talked about which have a greater impact; and that is, you. Re-evaluate your current behaviors, personality traits, and characteristics, and ask yourself - am I who I need to be to make this business work? Skills and traits such as confidence, creativity, judgment, motivation, and positivity.

These traits are crucial to the success of any business, and unless you have them now, work on them. For many of us, it's hard to proclaim our weakness, but look at this as the most positive thing you can do. Think for a moment of your business being a representation of yourself as a whole, in a way it is. A good place to start is for a week to write down all of your good qualities, rate them from most frequent, less frequent, to rare, do this with your bad qualities as well. You can always add to the list, but once you are content with it - begin working on getting the bad qualities to rare, and the good qualities to most frequent.

If you are not willing to adapt your personality, mold your traits and behaviors to help your business succeed - as many aren't. You will discover them to be self-evident problems once your start-up is in motion. The hope is that these problems that need re-evaluation and correction action take place without serious consequence on the business - however starting the process of introspection is always a good idea earlier on.

Facing our weaknesses and fears with discipline and a stern will to achieve can be the very best and most productive task you ever undertake, albeit one that never ends. It is said that we are born with only two fears, heights, and loud noises - and that the rest are a simple product of the mind's trickery. When starting a business, working on yourself, is working on the business.

Do You Have What It Takes To Start A Business?

By: Melissa Walters

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