subject: Relax Your Mind - 5 Ways To A Calmer, More Peaceful You! [print this page] Modern day life can be hectic and challengingModern day life can be hectic and challenging. Often we have more tasks to complete than our hours in the day will allow for. As our lives get busier and busier, it becomes harder to let go of all our thoughts about what is happening and what we need to get done. The mind fills up and becomes tense and agitated. In order to cope with this stress, we need to be able to relax our mind. Here are some great ways to get started:
Deep Breathing
Whenever you are feeling under stress, deep breathing can be a great help to calm you down. When we are stressed, we tend to breathe either too heavily or too shallowly. The breath is more than just air that we breathe; it is a basic life force without which we could not stay alive.
Deep breathing has a beneficial effect on the chemicals in our bodies. It can help us to relax and achieve clarity of mind and creativity. Many people are in the habit of shallow breathing and suffer from a deficiency of oxygen in the body. Poor breathing can indicate high levels of stress and other physiological problems. Whenever you feel that your breathing is not relaxed, make time to take deep breaths until your mind feels calmer.
Soothing music can have a relaxing effect on the mind and can lift our mood greatly. When you are feeling stressed, take some time out to listen to your favourite piece of music. Or perhaps put on some music that you can dance to. Keep a collection of music that inspires and revives you on your iPod or mp3 player to raise your spirits when you start feeling down and lift you higher when you are already feeling good.
Gentle Exercise
Exercise is proven to have a beneficial effect on mood. It doesn't have to be strenuous. Yoga is great for bodily and mental health. Or try just stretching out your body for an instant lift. Walking in nature, especially by water, is also a great way to relax your mind and lift your mood. Just 5 minutes out in the open air can help your mind to feel calmer.
As well as smelling great (some of them!) incense can create a good mood and relaxing atmosphere in your home. Some incenses are said to have medicinal effects and frankincense has been shown in studies to have an antidepressant effect. If you find that incense helps to relax your mind, keep some of your favourites on hand to help in times of stress.
Of course, meditation is absolutely the best place to start to relax your mind. It has many benefits in terms of improved health and vitality and will help you to feel better about yourself and your life. You can combine meditation with deep breathing, music and/or incense for an increased effect in relaxing your mind. Yoga includes an element of meditation and even getting out into nature can produce some meditative effects. Once you start to experience the benefits that meditation can bring about, you will probably want to meditate regularly.
by: Gen Wright
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