subject: Build Trust - Grow Your Business [print this page] Trust is the most essential ingredient of all really great relationships, both personal and professional. According to Jerry R. Wilson, author of 151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers, trust must be earned over time by consistent performance.
Consider this. Retailing giant Sam Walton recognized the value of trust as he built the Wal-Mart Empire. He said, "If I could stand trust at the register, I would be home free. The reality is you must earn a customer's trust, one customer, one transaction, and one day at a time."
For Care Coordinators in the assisted living and home care industry, one of the fastest growing, most recession resistant markets in America, it is very rare that their clients will trust them on the first day. When working with medical professionals, the same holds true. One thing Care Coordinator Professionals at Always Best Care Senior Services do to gain more trust is to keep their promises and follow through. For example, a Care Coordinator might say, "I will stop by every Wednesday to find out if you have a patient I can help you with." When a Care Coordinator offers this, they need to make it a point of following through on what they have committed to, whether the medical professional has a patient that the Care Coordinator can help them with or not. According to Angela Graczyk, who is a Field Trainer and Registered Nurse with Always Best Care, consistency builds trust. What you are selling before you have actually helped a medical professional with a patient is the trust in you that you will consistently show up each time you said you would. As the clich goes, you are selling you.
According to Stephen M.R. Covey, almost everyone understands the impact of trust. The underlying principle behind trust is reputation. As an individual working in the healthcare industry, it is about your company brand (as well as your personal brand), which reflects the trust clients, referral sources, and others in the marketplace have in you. Everyone knows that brands powerfully affect customer behavior and loyalty. When there is a high-trust brand, customers buy more, give the benefit of the doubt, stay with a company longer, and of course, refer more.
Here are five things you can do to build trust and ultimately grow your business.
1. Don't love them and leave them. Care Coordinators work hard to get referrals from their referral sources. After you finally get one, follow up, communicate to the person who provided you with the referral, and by all means, thank them for trusting you with their patient or client.
2. Organize your prospecting efforts. The secret of what Care Coordinators can do to grow their business is to have a systemized approach to consistently go after potential customers and in contact with existing ones. Remember to organize, track, and cultivate your prospects.
3. Become an information junkie. Customers like to do business with Care Coordinators who care about what they are doing and who are taking the time to educate themselves on industry trends and how to best meet the needs of their clients. Use association memberships, trade journals, and other resources to become knowledgeable about what you do.
4. Be obsessed with your reputation. Few Care Coordinators realize the need, the value, and the role of reputation in gaining and retaining customers. The dictionary defines reputation as "The views that are generally held about somebody or something." In other words, when someone thinks about doing business with you, your reputation is going to be a big part of whether or not they decide to go with you or with a competitor.
5. Invest in yourself. Regardless of the service you market, the reality is that Care Coordinators are in the people business. The better you are at working with people and getting them to work with you will determine to a large extent, how successful you will be as a Care Coordinator in the Senior Care Industry.
According to Michael Newman, President and CEO of Always Best Care Senior Services, having the right people, with the right training, for the right level of care means peace of mind. All of these things go a long way in building trust for the client and the medical professionals that Care Coordinators work with each and every day. The better you are at building trust will play a huge role in how far a person goes, not only in business relationships, but also in life.
Build Trust - Grow Your Business
By: Carolina Moore
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