subject: Apple MacBook Pro 13-Inch Review [print this page] If you bought the previous version of the 13-inch MacBook Pro and are happy with what you have, we say stick with it, as this round has seen only minor changes for this screen size. If you're looking to go to a larger model, however, huge improvements in CPU and graphics performance in the 15- and 17-inch models make them attractive upgrade options, so long as you're willing to pay a premium for them. If you didn't upgrade last time, however, the latest iteration of the 13-inch MacBook Pro is solidly ahead of the laptop pack in both design and performance, and it comes at an affordable price, for a MacBook. We applaud the unprecedented battery life in the new line of MacBook Pros. Apple has once again taken what was already an impressive machine and made it even better.
Apple MacBook Pro 13-Inch Review
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