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subject: Maximizing Efficiency - Events And Meetings In Stockton, Ca [print this page]

Maximizing Efficiency - Events And Meetings In Stockton, Ca

Finding the perfect meeting space is essential for planners. They need meeting space that is comfortable and provides attendees with all of the tools necessary for a successful meeting. If you want the best of the Stockton meeting rooms, book your next event at the Residence Inn Stockton.

The Residence Inn Stockton is ideal for small groups of five to sixty people. Small groups are able to have an intimate meeting while having access to equipment and services.

Unlike many other meeting rooms in Stockton, CA, the Residence Inn eliminates the need for planners or attendees to bring supplies. From AV equipment to video cameras, all necessary supplies are provided. In addition, there are computers and printers, a copy and fax service and overnight delivery and pickup. These services make it easy for meeting planners to organize the event. They do not have to haul heavy equipment to the meeting and thus can focus on the agenda for the event.

In addition to the Stockton meeting rooms provided, attendees can also get work done when the meeting is over. Guest rooms are spacious and have wireless internet, making it easy for attendees to finish up on last minute projects or prepare for the next meeting.

The Residence Inn Stockton has everything needed for a successful event. Event planners are flooding to the Residence Inn Stockton so they can organize events as easily as possible. Make your next event a success by booking your space today. You will have the tools you need for the perfect event.

by: Etienne

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