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subject: Visiting St. Louis On The Cheap [print this page]

Visiting St. Louis On The Cheap

Planning a downtown StPlanning a downtown St. Louis family vacation or a special weekend getaway can be easy and affordable with great downtown St. Louis hotel packages that offer discounts on hotels and downtown St. Louis attractions. A downtown Saint Louis vacation package can save you money as well as provide great opportunity for fun, relaxation and adventure. Whether planning a trip to the St. Louis for shopping, sports or just to check out the famed St. Louis Union Station or other local attractions, theres sure to be some great downtown St. Louis hotel deals to make the trip affordable.

A fun-filled St. Louis vacation package can be created simply by staying at the St. Louis Union Station Marriott and utilizing its great access to the many nearby attractions to save money on gas and extra travel expenses. With several hotel discounts available, such as the Marriots senior discount program, government and military discounts and special corporate rates, a stay at this fine luxury hotel can be the start of a fabulous downtown Saint Louis vacation package. By visiting the websites of the many local attractions, special discounts can be found for the Gateway Arch and St. Louis Zoo, while others like the Missouri Botanical Gardens provide free tours.

Fun local attractions and great Marriott amenities are sure to combine for a fabulous downtown St. Louis vacation package. When taking advantage of a Marriott hotel deal, be sure to use the special promotional code that can be found through the hotels website or other promotional advertising. This special code should be presented when making online or telephone reservations to receive promotional savings for an economical and carefree vacation.

by: Jed Crowl

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