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Justin Timberlake is a Triple Threat

Author: Jeff Bachmeier
Author: Jeff Bachmeier

A triple threat isnt just a football player who is great and passing, running, and kicking. A triple threat can cross over into any industry including the music one. A triple threat in the entertainment world is someone who can sing, act, and dance. You may have noticed a recent trend in which actors are releasing albums or musicians acting in movies or in television shows. An even more popular trend is when we see some of these actors or singers performing on dancing shows. When you combine all three elements on entertainment such as these you will come out with a triple threat. A modern triple threat that has taken over the music charts, is an awesome dancer, and who has appeared in both movies and television is Justin Timberlake.

Justin Timberlakes career has come a long way since his debut on Star Search and his early stardom beginning on the Mickey Mouse Club. He was a part of the world renowned band N Sync, broke off to be a chart topping solo artists, and has acted in movies as well as hosted Saturday Night Live (SNL) several times during his career so far. The man is unstoppable! His dance moves have also been compared to the legendary Michael Jackson, a compliment any artist would be humbled by. He has won numerous awards and recognitions for his amazing talent.

Justin Timberlake is a Triple Threat

He does more than sing, dance, and act. He also writes and produces songs, owns restaurants, owns a clothing line, is the face of products such as cologne and clothing and, always finds time to donate to charitable organizations. In 2009, he was named the most charitable star of the year. It is very noble of him to share his success to help people and organizations around the world that are less fortunate.

He collaborated and released albums with the group N Sync, but has also released two albums as a solo artists that topped the music charts. Justified and Future Sex/Love Sounds included a lot of number one hit songs such as Cry me a River and Sexy Back. He released these albums under the label Jive Records.

In addition to releasing albums, he also appeared on television shows such as SNL and Touched by an Angel. He is the only person who has hosted and performed on SNL simultaneously three times so far. That is more than any other artist. Usually SNL has an actor to host and a musician to do a live performance. He has appeared in movies and has even had a voice role in the Shrek movies. In 2009, he was in the movie Open Road. So far in 2010, he has two movies that he is acting in.About the Author:

Jeff Bachmeier is owner of, an online music and online radio station network providing live streaming Internet Radio channels with music from the 50s thru Today. Users can also choose to create their own customized on demand playlist through their own social media profile. For more information please visit

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