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subject: Low Cost Website Design-identify Niche Market For Your Business Website [print this page]

Following on from Bettys internet searching exploits and deciding on their design theme, she has decided to investigate the market the family business operates in. Who is Betty? Just search for the earlier publication on web design theme.

Betty initially entered the phrase HYDRAULIC REPAIRS in Goggle and was confronted with 3 million returns. Taking a closer look at all 10 websites, she was initially baffled. Most of these results are not even repair shops. Some pages where directories and a few are component suppliers. This did not make sense. You see Betty did not yet understand the concept of keyword phrases and long tail keywords and researching their niche market.

Betty was even more confused when she decided to type in yet another phrase, this time HYRDRAULIC COMPONENTS. Now Betty is dumbfounded, less returned results, but some of the same websites reappear. She has a sneaky feeling that these guys are in cahoots with Goggle. Betty decides to head over to Google and find out whats going on. Well the long and short is she discovers Google Adword Tools and concepts like exact, broad, etc. She decides to do some research at Google.

This is what Betty finds out. Keywords are the words (or short phrases) that searchers use to describe what they are looking for online. Some examples of keywords are dog training or dog food. Search engines use keywords to determine what information a searcher wants, it then generates a list that includes all the websites containing that information ranked in order from most to least relevant.

A niche market is a focused, target-able portion of a market. It is a subset of a larger market. Like golfing-shoes vs golf. Aha, she sighs in relief, now she knows why some of the competitor business web pages are showing up in different places. They are using different keywords targeting different segments of one large market, the hydraulics market.

Betty realizes she needs more tools and technology to further explore this concept of keywords. She types in the search box a variety of phrases, keyword research, keyword finder, etc. She is delighted, there are a couple of free downloads products, free online software and even free trial services that do more than just keyword research. Joe will be very impressed that she has not spent any money yet.

However Betty soon finds out that free services are limited but then stumbles upon a very neat little service provided at no charge. Betty is able to keep on exploring every possible phrase variation. This little tool shows her the number of monthly/average daily searches, and her biggest find, local searches alongside global searches. With this tool Betty and Joe can now make a very informed decision regarding their niche market.

Slowly but surely Betty started to see the light of day. They had to find and understand their focus market, niche or target market. She already knows that a huge market is available, but what is the potential of their chosen niche/s. Betty realizes that she also has to keep the aspect of relevance I mind.

If there are so many "niches" out there, why are more business web pages not successful? It is not about the niche, it is about how well you understand the niche. All too often people get overly absorbed into deciding on the perfect niche, but when it comes to the marketing aspect (the part that earns money), they fail to understand who their audience is and how to effectively create a website, fill it with high value content within that niche!

Betty soon realizes that for their low cost website design to be successful is has to address the needs of a specific market that will find their business web page design based on a specific or broad search phrase.

Do what Betty does, and do proper research into your niche market or identifying your niche market

by: getweb

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