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subject: Merchant Cash Advances - A Quick Funding Solution [print this page]

There comes a day in every business person's life when big action must be taken regarding the company's future. A lot of times, most of those decisions must have some serious money, and if you are relying on the traditional bank then you might end up with nothing. For those incidents, Funding companies for Merchant Cash Advances will be the perfect answer to raise financing.

How Merchant Cash Advances Work

While factoring is a growing field and is not going anywhere, many companies are unfamiliar with the process. Once you have obtained a merchant account and a consistent account of credit card sales, you, as a business owner, can sell a portion of your projected revenue for a discount to the Merchant Cash Advances provider, in return for a lump sum paid out more or less straight away.

The benefits of this agreement are apparent as long you understand the payback agreement. Your payments will be adjusted for your monthly credit card income. Some months you will repay more, others less, either way it will always be a small, consistent percentage of what your business brought in.

How Your Company Applies TheFunds it is YOUR Choice

A conventional loan always requires you to state, ahead of time, exactly how you will use the advance you are loaned. By talking to a factoring company, you pick what is the smartest use of the capital you borrow - be it expansion, debt payoff, repairs - it's all your decision. After all, you have a proven history of success with your establishment up to now, why wouldn't you know how best to put the money to use.

Before you find yourself needing working capital for your establishment, put some thought into creating a relationship with a merchant cash advance broker. Find out what programs can be obtained for financing key purchases and how to qualify. That way, when the time does come and your business needs to move proceed, you will understand what you need.

by: Rodney Rabah

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