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subject: Business Publicity In L.a. [print this page]

In L.A. we know plenty about publicity. After all, we live in the Entertainment Capital of the World. We hear about publicity on the news, daily: this stars publicist said this; bad publicity is better than no publicity..

It didnt take long for Los Angeles professionals and business owners to catch on. There is a strong movement among business owners toward business publicity in L.A. today. Still, many a business owner has trouble distinguishing between publicity and advertising. The explanation is very simple.

Advertising is something you buy, since you bought it the content of your ad is what you are saying about yourself.

Publicity is something you cannot buy. No matter in what format, publicity is what others say or think of you.

In an ad the business compliments itself, we all know it, no one likes self-adulation, and few take it to heart. The mere fact that the media finds a business worthy of coverage makes it appear credible. Most people mistake publicity for news or educational information. Better, a business with good presence in the media is liked and its services are perceived as more valuable than those of its competitors. Best, your customers, your peers and even your competitors will be impressed.

Whats the role of publicity in business?

Business Publicity Creates Credibility. Even savvy, L.A. consumers perceive publicity as objective information and accept the presented professional service a trustworthy recommendation. This is a unique benefit that no advertising campaign can produce.

Lasting Benefits of Business Publicity: any form of publicity (print, audio, or video) is a lasting document which can be used indefinitely on your Website and / or in your waiting room. L.A. consumers' exposure to your publicity will affirm your authority in the eyes of your current customers and act as an incentive for prospective customers.

Business Publicity Generates More Publicity. Publicity campaigns often produce unexpected opportunities. They may serve as a stepping stone to a regular feature in local media (you might become "a resident expert") and - in some cases - lead to a national exposure. With that said, local speaking opportunities and / or recognitions are sure to follow especially for those business owners who are involved in membership organizations.

Business Publicity in L.A. Creates Leverage. As someone seen in the media, you'll acquire the authority of an expert in your field which will give you competitive edge. (Perhaps unfairly, but consumers form their opinions based on what they found Online, saw on television, heard on the radio, or read in a newspaper rather than what they know about the business itself. Even diplomas, certificates, awards and actual achievements of a business are distant second to consumers trust in the media.)

Business Publicity Increases Visibility, Prestige and Popularity. Publicity Online improves business visibility on search engines and increases the number of visits to his / her Website. (The backlinks created by publicity Online increase your Websites rankings.) In certain cases, business publicity Online continues to produce ROI, indefinitely.

Publicity off line will be seen by all, not only by those comfortable with the Internet. Everyone has access to newspapers and magazines, not to mention TV. Its called media buzz because it creates a buzz. You and your business will instantly stand out from the crowd and new opportunities will follow.

To find the right publicist for your business publicity, search Google for: Medical Publicity Experts, Dental Publicity Experts, PR Authority in L.A. and last but not least Publicity Authority in L.A.

To make a long story short: If you prefer to be THE one as opposed to being one of many; if the thought of becoming notable appeals to you; if youd like to see your peers and your competitors envious and new well-to-do customers at your doorstep even in todays economy: stop wasting money on advertising and INVEST it in publicity.

by: Jeremy Kesh

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