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subject: What You Need To Make Your Business Stand Out From The Crowd [print this page]

There are many advantages to running your own business no matter how big or small it is. Being the boss means that it is your way or the highway, the freedom to set up everything just the way you want. Start at ten o'clock in the morning, leave early on Friday afternoons have music playing in the office - all decisions that are yours and you have the final say on. Of course, there is also the responsibility that comes with being the boss, as well as being the one who generally has the most invested in the ultimate success or failure of the company.

Anyone can start a business; it's not difficult these days to set yourself up with a company name and to get going. It's making the business last and grow which is hard. Many new entrepreneurs use business mentors and experts as guiding lights to help when they start out, it's not unusual these days for people to maintain these services throughout the life of their business - there is little wrong with having someone there to bounce ideas off or to offer an independent non-biased view on things.

The practicalities of starting a business need to be faced head-on. Such things as an office and premises should be secondary to ensuring you have the equipment to ensure you have the means to fulfil any potential work that comes in. When starting out, don't waste money on more equipment than you need and take care to ensure you have all the bases covered.

Purchasing decisions and investing money in the business leads onto the next business essential, an accountant. This may not seem like too much of a priority at the beginning, especially if there isn't too much money flowing into the business, but it can be well worth finding an accountant you can trust sooner rather than later. Good quality bookkeeping is one of the things they will be able to offer, but they can also offer a financial steer on the overall health of the business, something it is always best not to shy away from.

One of the most testing parts of being the boss of your own company is the tricky business of having to find the right staff. There are many different things to consider when looking at who to add to your team, good guidelines to follow in the beginning are to go for those you can trust and who are least likely to let you down when you most need them - qualities that are hard to gauge from an interview and as a result it is important to not get disheartened if your first few hires aren't perfect, keep persisting and you will find the right people and don't forget, it doesn't hurt to keep continually looking for talent.

These are only the basic considerations for a start-up. If you are serious about running a business ensure you research your niche and are aware of what is involved before you dive in head first. It can be a scary place when you first enter, but with the right amount of effort and some luck there is no reason why being your own boss can't become a reality.

by: Rob Huddlestone.

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