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subject: Top Ten Conference Division Review [print this page]

The NFL is organized into two separate conferences since 1970: the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). Both conferences are divided into four divisions each: East, West, North and South. Each franchise dispute 16 matches over 17 weeks during the regular season which runs from September 4, 2008 to December 28, 2008. A phase of the playoffs following the regular season to complete the final, the Super Bowl XLIII, scheduled for February 1, 2009 Raymond James Stadium in Tampa.

During the 2008 season for the second year the NFL held a regular season game outside the United States, according to a resolution adopted by owners of the league in 2006 . The match will be played in the United Kingdom probably at Wembley Stadium in Greater London. It will pit New York Giants and Miami Dolphins.

Another game could be held at the Rogers Centre in Toronto as a home game for the Buffalo Bills. The team owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. asked the league to play at least one game in Canada to strengthen the club's fan base there.

The following rule changes were decided at the annual meeting of league owners in Palm Beach.

- A defensive player has the right to wear a radio of the type used by the quarterback to communicate with the coaches.

- The rule "force-out for entertaining near the lines is deleted. A receiver must fall with the ball and both feet inside the ground for a pass is considered completed. However, if a recipient is taken into the air by a defender and carried off the field without both feet touch the ground, the referee may decide that the pass was completed.

- The 5-yard penalty for taking the face guard accidentally was deleted. When this is intentional, the penalty is 15 yards.

- Teams that win the coin toss can defer their choice until the beginning of the second half.

- When the ball hits the post during an attempted field goal, the action may be reviewed by the video.

- If the ball touches the ground during a snap before the quarterback touches it, it's a fumble. Previously this resulted in a 5-yard penalty.

The Indianapolis Colts' victory against the Jacksonville Jaguars, allows them to qualify for the playoffs. The Tennessee Titans beat the Steelers at home and are assured of top spot in the AFC conference at the end of the regular phase.

The defeat of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Atlanta Falcons' victory leads the qualification of Carolina Panthers and Atlanta Falcons to the playoffs. With his victory against the Carolina Panthers (34-28), the New York Giants win the title of champions of the NFC conference.

In the AFC conference, the wild card spots will be played between the Miami Dolphins, the Patriots of New England and Baltimore Ravens.

By beating the Green Bay Packers (20-17 in overtime), the Chicago Bears will play the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC North title and a wild card in the playoffs.

by: Anna Kerry

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