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subject: Using A Ppc Campaign To Market Your Business [print this page]

As a business owner in todays marketplace, you have to drive traffic to your website. If people do not know that your website exists, then your sales will not increase. You know that there thousands of potential customers in cyberspace and you want to know how get their attention.

A good way to make your website accessible is to use a PPC campaign. When you use a PPC campaign, you are placing your website in front of thousands of people who may have just conducted a search for something related to your business. Your website will be placed to the right of the displayed results from a search engine.

Using PPC to help your business gain exposure is a critical method to increase traffic to your website. There are several different ways that you can pay for a PPC campaign. The most basic way is to pay for a PPC campaign is for you to agree upon a set rate per click with your host site. For example, you may agree to be charged .03 cents per click. You will pay your bill that has accumulated with the search engine or host on an agreed upon date.

You and the host may agree that you will pay only after a certain number of clicks have been made. You will want to run a PPC campaign with at least two major search engines. You will have to select when your PPC advertisement will be displayed. You will want to do some research to see which key words would be best to select.

If you have a business that is a hair salon, you may want to make sure that your ad shows whenever someone is searching for hair salons in your city. Because you will be paying on a per click basis, you also want to be sure that your bill does not get too high.

Every business has a marketing budget, so if your monthly budget is $500 dollars, you will want to stop the PPC campaign as soon as your bill reaches this amount. You will want to check your bill on a daily basis.

After you have successfully established your PPC campaign, you should keep track of how many visitors come to your site as a result of the PPC advertisement.

You must know how your online marketing plan is functioning so you can adequately forecast your budget. Make sure you are analyzing how much you are spending in order to get more visitors to your site. A good thing about a PPC campaign is that it only takes a few minutes if you use a standardized form created by one of the major search engines.

by: Rob Smith

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