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subject: Business Opportunity Seekers - A Fertile Source Of Marketing Leads [print this page]

For the MLM and home business entrepreneur there are a veritable plethora of marketing opportunities available today. Traditional methods are still going strong and the explosion of the internet has opened a whole new frontier of electronic marketing possibilities. One of the best marketing lead sources available is the business opportunity seeker. This potential client has the built-in benefits of being highly motivated, knowledgeable about the business they are seeking, and usually financially stable. The business opportunity seeker is a unique marketing lead that can not only generate revenue directly to you, but also potentially become a downstream revenue generator for your business.

The business opportunity seeker can be a potentially lucrative marketing lead due to the fact that this audience is usually highly motivated to begin their own business. This motivation means that they are ready to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work necessary. You can generally skip the inspirational pitch to convince them that owning a business is right for them and proceed straight to explaining why your particular opportunity is right for them. Being able to target your message in this way is an invaluable asset that can lead to savings of both time and money.

Another asset that the business opportunity seekers lead possesses is that this audience is more knowledgeable than most. They have typically done their research and figured out what business opportunities are the best fits for them. This fact will save you from attempting to market to those that are unaware of what owning a business entails and may not be interested once they find out the details. When you are presented with a business opportunity seeker as a marketing lead you can be positive that you are dealing with a well-informed potential client that speaks your language.

Most business opportunity seekers also have the added benefit of already being in financial position to start their own business. While doing research on the topic, most potential owners will come to understand the economic necessities required to begin their venture. From there your job will be only to sell them that your opportunity is a good fit for their ambition and potential financial investment. Possessing a list of marketing leads that consists of business opportunity seekers makes your life much easier by avoiding attempting to sell to a potential client that you find out down the road may not be in a financial position to go into business for themselves.

by: Dustin R Briley

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