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subject: An Introduction To Business Brokers [print this page]

So, what is a business broker and what is their role? Well as you can imagine with the word broker in the title they are an intermediary. In this case they work with small privately owned business sellers and buyers.

Simply put, they facilitate the sale or purchase of small business on behalf of their clients. Whilst this sounds fairly straight forward, it is in fact a hugely involved and important process. The roles of the business broker is to estimate the value of said business, then advertise it accordingly, then once interest is established arrange and conduct interviews and any subsequent negotiations that will take place. This is done with the goal of the process being either the successful sale or purchase of a small privately owned business.

Now that role of the business broker has been established we can start to focus on how you would go about finding one and what they are likely to help you with. It is no exaggeration to say that sale or purchase of a business is an enormous undertaking and comes with many financial and emotional pitfalls.

Say, for example, that you have spent your whole working life building up a small concern that you have loved and cherished. When it comes to the time when you want to retire and sell the business on, you want to know that where it ends up and the money you get in return is in line with your expectations or even above and beyond these. This is where the appointment of a business broker is recommended; the reason being is that unless you already have experience of selling businesses then the task at hand will be overwhelming.

A good business broker should be able to put your mind at rest; they have years of experience in this field and are experts in their own realm. They themselves have more often than not come from a business environment and may have personal experience having bought and sold a number of their own businesses before moving into their position as a business broker.

You will be able to find a whole host of different websites and services that will offer a business broker for appointment, so do your research and consider your options carefully as may be the biggest decision of your business career so far.

If you find yourself in a position where you would like to sell your business then it is good idea to spend some time researching the different services that are available to you online. There are many websites that offer a high standard of expertise and can help to smooth through the difficult task of finding buyers and moving your business on.

Once you have found a service that you like then you can make the initial contact and arrange for a consultation, the business broker will take you through the different stages and explain clearly what you can expect from them and how the process will pan out.

by: Matthew Byatt

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