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subject: Press Release Services - Determining Their Value To Your Business [print this page]

There are many companies out there who think that press release services have no actual value to their business. In most cases, this is the furthest from the truth possible. However, you have to take the initiative for yourself to determine whether these services can help your business or not. If you have a need for business promotion through a professional and reputable form of communication, you can benefit from press releases. If you have news that needs to be reported, you can benefit from press release services. If you simply want to become a recognized company that is professional and credible, press releases can help.

When you write press releases, they need to be informative, current, and interesting. People don't want a sales pitch or a promotional article. They want interesting facts and information that tells them more about your business and what you have to offer. If you can provide this type of information, you can easily succeed at making press releases a valuable part of your business. If you truly have nothing to offer, you might be better off using other marketing tools and methods of communication.

Not everyone is capable of benefiting from press release services. While there are benefits for everyone, not everyone will find them. Therefore, you will want to make sure that you are choosing the right path of marketing or educating people for your business, because the only thing worse than no press is bad press. You can even use press releases for SEO purposes, but you should limit the keyword use to 4-5 instances in a 500 word article so that it doesn't appear overdone or intentional. You should also choose keywords that flow naturally so that the text doesn't sound forced or awkward.

While some companies will never use press release services to their advantage, you should use them when you can. You might get more than you thought from them, and if nothing else you will at least gain a little bit of credibility and visibility because people respect press releases more than other marketing materials. The choice is yours to make. Do you have news worth sharing that is current and interesting, and are you willing to take the time to put it out there, or are you going to stick with other marketing methods that are less formal and more sales oriented? Either way, your business success is in your hands. Press releases can be a big help, however.

by: Mickie Kennedy

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