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subject: Wood Preservative – Plywood, Vacuum Pressure Plant Wood Preservative [print this page]

is a blue-green compound typically found on weathered brass, bronze and copper. It is widely used in various industrial applications including manufacturing of copper salts, as a paint, varnish pigment, in animal and poultry feed and as a seed treatment fungicide. is the chemical compound with its anhydrous form in blue and crystalline solid. Customized copper nitrate is widely used in light sensitive reproduction papers, catalyst in solid rocket fuel, catalyst in organic reactions, and pyrotechnic compositions. It comprises of various copper form compounds used as catalysts in various chemical reactions. It is completely soluble in water and acts as a nitrating agent in various chemical reactions.

Wood Preservative Plywood, Vacuum Pressure Plant Wood Preservative

By: Jigney Bhachech

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