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subject: Several kinds of 08x non-geographic numbers for business purpose [print this page]

Numbers starting with 08 series are broadly known as non-geographic numbers (NGNs). Generally all non-geographic numbers have same functionality. They simply translate to an underlying telephone line. The existing phone line is not affected with the use of these 08x series numbers.

The already existing services on telephone lines keep on working in the normal way for example call divert, call reminder and such other services continue to work.

What is the use of NGNs in a business?

There are various uses of NGNs in a company's growth. Some of the basic uses are:

1.Enhance marketing of services: A company can set up any NGN number to be directed at a specific telephone line. This provides an opportunity to the company to use various number systems for different promotions and publications. With the intellectual use of these number systems a company can take measures towards improving effectiveness of its services.

"Call us free" is a strong, positive message published on the websites which allows more number of customers to make enquiries with the company.

2.The use of NGNs contributes towards increasing sales of the company: Use of NGNs will increase company's productivity to a great extent. It is a fact that more customers ring up the desk when they are provided with the memorable numbers.

3.They can mange the calls in ordered manner: Call management packages that come with these numbers allow the company to manage call flow in a sequence, without missing any of the important calls. The auto attendant service package that comes under call management pack enhances company's image in the minds of customers.

4.Call routing is possible: It is possible to route various calls on different phone lines. Sometimes calls are automatically directed to other lines after a few rings if one fails to attend them on his number.

Several kinds of 08x non-geographic numbers for business purpose

By: Jayden White

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