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Setting up an eBay enterprise includes certain logistical issues, including financing your business, paying for your merchandise, and last but not least, receiving payment from customers. With regard to funding, there are various financing options available to new businesses. It is recommended that you research the various options before choosing a particular plan. Take special care to investigate potential legal issues. For example, check with the authorities, and make sure that operating a business out of your home is not in contravention of local ordinances. Even though you may be running your eBay venture from your home, it is important to treat it like any other business undertaking. With regard to receiving payment, Paypal is a good choice for first-time vendors, as it negates the need for a merchant banking account, which is often costly and difficult to obtain. Open a separate checking account for your eBay transactions so that it becomes easier to keep personal and business expenses separate. This will also help avoid confusion at tax time. Make sure you have proper insurance, especially when dealing in expensive electronic items or antiques. It is recommended that you consult the appropriate professionalsbanker, accountant, and insurance agentto get all the details. Other factors to be taken into account include shipping costs and storage place. You need to consider whether you have the room to store enough merchandise to make a profit. Items such as textiles or cosmetics take up considerably less space than goods like furniture or electrical appliances. Furthermore, especially delicate or oddly shaped items may require special packaging, which will increase shipping costs. In conclusion, you can start a profitable part-time eBay business by devoting a few (3-4) hours a day and using miscellaneous items found in your day-to-day life. By now, you will have a broad understanding of the issues involved in starting an eBay business. In case you require further information, there are a number of books that you can consult on the subject. With the right strategy and careful planning, you will soon be on your way to becoming a successful eBay entrepreneur.

Starting An eBay Business

By: Jane M Dawson

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