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subject: NFL – NFC South Division review [print this page]

Quarterback Matt Moore's contribution this season was far from last year's. As if this was not enough and a torn labrum in his shoulder will keep him out for the rest of the year. He played 6 games and threw 79 of 143 for 857 yards and 5 touchdowns, suffering 10 interceptions, while last season in 7 games he threw 85 of 138 for 1053 yards and 8 touchdowns, being intercepted only twice. He will be replaced by rookie Jimmy Clausen, who has been very ineffective with 51 of 109 for 501 yards, 1 touchdown and 4 interceptions. His challenge to guide the Panthers out from the last place of the NFC South begins on Sunday at Tampa Bay, when they face Division rivals the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

NFL NFC South Division review


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