subject: The Newly Insured Part Two [print this page] Expect many cuts to happen to our current health insurance system. It will not take effect right away but it will be. What do you think will be left? If Congress does not try to amend or repeal this newly enacted health insurance revision, we can expect many changes that will lead us into a single payer, government run health insurance system.
Hospitals and local < a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="" health care clinics are also starting to note the changes. Everything that you have been used to will change. To think that this all began because there were about thirty million individuals who are either uninsured or underinsured and the government wanted to fix the problem.
The sad part is that when all is said and done we will still have about twenty-five million to thirty million individuals who will remain uninsured so where does this leave us. The Medicare health insurance system is being decimated to the tune of half a trillion dollars and more individuals are going to be relegated into Medicaid.
We are not equipped to handle the large mandated influx into the health insurance and health care system. Health insurance companies are also in disarray since the new law prohibits them from refusing to cover individuals particularly those with preexisting condition and lifetime caps are removed.
However they will also stand to gain because all Americans are now required to have health insurance coverage. Your coverage should be enough for you and your family's medical needs.
If applicable because if the Internal Revenue Service decides you need a better, more appropriate health insurance policy, they will demand you change your current health insurance policy or purchase a new one. So you might wonder; how will they know what kind of health plan is appropriate for me?
They will get copies of your medical history form your health insurance carrier. When they have completed going through your medical health care records they will tell you what type of health insurance policy you will carry. You will accommodate the request of the Internal Revenue Service.
Those individuals who defy the request of the Internal Revenue Service will receive a monetary penalty. The penalty can start at 2% of your annual income and will gradually increase over time.
The Newly Insured Part Two
By: Hope Tennon
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