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subject: Small Business Marketing Why Sometimes Less Is More [print this page]

In an era of entrepreneurship, when opportunities are abound for the person who can think out of the box and come up with ideas that are truly unique and innovative, small business marketing techniques are a must in order to ensure that the organization continues to build a sound foundation for future growth to take place.

As you might have already heard, the present times are increasingly depending on the internet for practically everything, and the same goes for marketing strategies for a majority of the companies today, irrespective of their size or the industry they are operating in. However, this is also an area where all these ambitious projects go haywire they are too much concerned about selling themselves that they do not think at all about giving back to the customer. For instance, a significant amount of the company's budget is allocated for search engine optimization in order to ensure that the brand's name comes on top whenever a service or product related to the same is searched for on the internet. While this is certainly an effective methodology for acquiring new businesses, it does virtually nothing about small business marketing towards the existing customers, or for customers that are loyal to competition.

In this regard, going out-of-the-box is the only approach that is going to survive in the current times, where innovation is the synonym of success. In order to ensure that your brand stands out from the rest, you are going to make extra small business marketing efforts. And the place to start is by giving promotional gifts that are basically objects of everyday use like coffee mugs, apparel, etc. with the company's logo or name engraved or stamped on the same. Not only would this be a welcome change for the customer, it would also go a long way in establishing a permanent relationship with a lot of customers by simply using an indirect approach to gain loyalty.

by: Jems Smith

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