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subject: A Chinese History Trivia On Confucian Values And Family Business [print this page]

Confucius was the great sage of ChinaConfucius was the great sage of China. His philosophy and teaching are still known to lay the base of Chinese family values. He is undoubtedly one of the most popular and influential historical figures of China.

The significance of Confucian theories have been reevaluated in the modern China as the nation is growing as the next economic powerhouse. The study of the theories of Confucius has thus become essential in leadership development program.

Like Sun Tzu art of war the Confucianism has become an important study of strategic thinking. As the economic cooperations between the countries are growing the importance of cultural understanding has become very important for the corporates. The western world, hence, is taking more interest in learning the Asian ways of doing business.

The teaching of Confucius

The teaching of Confucius has been very simple and easy to follow. Confucianism states that human beings are teachable, improvable and therefore perfectible. Confucianism gives emphasis in developing and cultivating virtue and morality amongst human beings.

Confucianism cultivates qualities like- kindness, faithfulness, uprightness, wisdom and the like in its followers. According to Confucianism, if all follow the same principles that all can live in harmony. The teaching of Confucius is finding its way again in modern Chinese society.

The reasons behind the popularity of Confucianism

The businesses of China have adopted the teaching of Confucius to a great extent. Hence, understanding the principles of Confucianism have become important for the businesses trying to expand their operations to China.

The business theorists of the western world are giving emphasis on allowing the Chinese to develop their own code of conduct. It is their understanding that if the western code of conduct and values are imposed on the Chinese, most likely they would discard it. Hence, it would be rather beneficial to let them deal with the corruption within, in their own ways. Here, the teaching of Confucius is becoming more relevant as it promotes righteousness amongst people.

In business the influence of Confucianism can be seen in traits like- the respect for tradition, respect for hierarchy, perseverance, persistence..

The study of Confucianism is therefore becoming a popular study in strategic thinking and leadership development.

Like Sun Tzu Art of War, which deals with the importance of leadership strategies in businesses, Confucianism too is finding its way in modern study of businesses. Confucianism promotes the idea of ethics and morality in business.

Study and implementation of Confucius theories of moral would help greatly with the leadership strategies as it would help in inflicting the teaching of morality amongst the employees. This can help immensely in the art of war for managers as a manager is expected to be more successful if he can promote ethical ways of conducting business amongst his employees.

The knowledge of Confucianism may also find its application in leadership consulting as it would help in identifying and rectifying corruption in the businesses and at the same time promoting the qualities required for situational leadership amongst the employees.

A Chinese History Trivia On Confucian Values And Family Business

By: Frankie

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