subject: The Newly Insured - 2nd Part [print this page] In a few years form now, many slashes will be made to the health insurance system. It will not be implemented right away but they will certainly take place. What will we be left with in the end? This will lead to more changes if Congress doesn't try to repeal the health insurance reform. It will lead us to a single-payer government-run health insurance system.
Everything you have grown accustomed to will substantially change and even the hospitals and local health care clinics are beginning to take notice of what is yet to come. What sparked the reform was the government's desire to insure the 30 million uninsured or underinsured individuals.
But unfortunately there are still twenty five million left who are still uninsured. So where does this leave them? The Medicare health insurance system is being decimated to the tune of half a trillion dollars and more individuals are going to be relegated into Medicaid.
We are not ready to face the large income into the health insurance and health care system. The health insurance providers are also scrambling because they will no longer have the ability to refuse health insurance coverage to individuals and the lifetime cap has been removed which will hurt.
However they will also stand to gain because all Americans are now required to have health insurance coverage. Your coverage should be enough for you and your family's medical needs.
If applicable because if the Internal Revenue Service decides you need a better, more appropriate health insurance policy, they will demand you change your current health insurance policy or purchase a new one. So you might wonder; how will they know what kind of health plan is appropriate for me?
They will get copies of your medical history form your health insurance carrier. When they have completed going through your medical health care records they will tell you what type of health insurance policy you will carry. You need to comply with what they are suggesting for you.
If you don't you'll be penalized. The monetary penalty can go as high as two percent of your annual gross income and that will probably go higher with the passage of time.
The Newly Insured - 2nd Part
By: Hope Tennon
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