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subject: Axcient Adds Business Continuity to its Data Protection Service Platform [print this page]

About Axcient
About Axcient

Axcient provides a complete data protection and business continuity solution, purpose-built as a platform for managed service providers (MSPs) to serve their small and medium-sized business (SMB) customers. The company delivers a hybrid on-premise appliance with backup and business continuity capabilities combined with its cloud-based disaster recovery service, all managed through the web. The pay-as-you-grow service features zero infrastructure, license, or software costs, thereby eliminating capital expenditures and minimizing operating expenses for the MSP and their customers alike. Axcient protects organizations in a wide range of industries, including legal, financial services, healthcare, design and creative industries, retail, credit card services, Web-based companies, and education. The Axcient service is available exclusively through a nationwide network of IT solution providers.

Axcient Adds Business Continuity to its Data Protection Service Platform

By: Axcient

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