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subject: Amway Review : Can The Billion Dollar Mlm Create More Opportunity? By James Wehner [print this page]

Amway Review by James Wehner- In 2007, Forbes ranked Amway as the 43rd biggest private business in America. Symbolizing the "old is gold" idiom, Amway has continued with its success spree in the multi-level marketing business industry.

History of Amway

Amway is one of the most successful network marketing programs in the world. Founded in 1959, the company has a nice selection of products, including products for home care, health, beauty, jewelry, electronics and insurance. The company main office are located in Michigan, USA, while its distributor network truly symbolizes a global business. Amway has significant presence in the US, Europe, Australia, China, Japan, Russia and India.

The company was founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and does business through several affiliate companies that have operations in more than 90 countries. The company has fought several lawsuits around the world. In 2008 the sales figures for the company were more than $8 billion.

Product Review

Amway has one of the most extensive product lines of any MLM company in the world. Some of the products they sell:

* NUTRILITE: Brand for minerals, vitamins and dietary supplements. * ARTISTRY: Skin care products * Legacy of Clean: Home cleaning supplies * GLISTER: Oral care products * Queen/iCook: Cookware products * eSpring: Water purification * ATMOSPHERE: Air purifiers

With each passing year, the company continues to create new products and brands to expand its customer base.

Compensation Plan

With almost 3 million active members and over 50 years of success in the home based business, Amway has a successful compensation plan. The business rewards plan varies for different countries. The individual distributor, better known as the independent business owner, "IBO" in Amway jargon, earns a commission on the sale of products. Distributors also earn significant bonuses on enrolling new distributors in their network and override commissions from people on their "frontline". However, the bonus decreases with the sale orders at lower levels of the compensation plan.

My Bottom Line on Amway Marketing

I am certain Amway has already surpassed the scrutinizing stage where it can be named a scam, clearly it is not a scam. The company has stayed true to its business objectives and transformed the lives of many families around the globe. It is accredited by Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Dun & Bradstreet for following solid industry practices.

If you are serious about making real money in Amway you must have a marketing campaign online that is easy to use and effective. The top 1% of MLM money earners use MLMonlinemagic. Click on the links below in the resource box.

by: James Wehner

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