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Cn Tower Toronto

CN Tower in Toronto, Canada is almost two times of the height of Eiffel Tower which is in France and is thrice the height of the Washington Monument.

The construction work of The CN Tower began in 1973. More than 60,000 tons of earth was excavated along the shore of Lake Ontario. The construction of foundation took around four months for completion. For the construction of this tower the concrete was poured whole day long and 5 days a week. A huge mold known as slip was made by the engineers to meet that challenge. This mold was later moved upward with the help of hydraulic jacks as the concrete slip was hardened. The tapering shape to the tower was given by the ascending slip.

A SkyPod was made when the tower was made up to the height of 1,100-foot mark. This was a seven-story formation which has 2 observation decks, a nightclub, a revolving restaurant and broadcasting equipment. The SkyPod is fastened by some wooden and steel brackets that were pushed upwards with the help of hydraulic jacks. Radome was a doughnut shape ring which was added to the foundation to give protection to the frail microwave dishes which were suppose to receive television and radio transmissions. The SkyPod can be reached by 4 glass elevators.

The concrete CN Tower is placed above the SkyPod, and ends at the Space Deck. The Space Deck gets all the support from cantilevers, these cantilevers expands out of the concrete section. The visitors can enjoy a magnificent ride of 55-seconds on an elevator and also from the glass enclosed balcony.
Cn Tower Toronto

The tower attracted more of the tourist after the arrival of a helicopter which was named as Olga, the routine work of the helicopter was published in the newspaper. Any changes were telecasted as breaking news. It took around 3 weeks for the mast assembly to work with Olga, but without it, it would have taken at least 6 months.

The tower was completed in the year 1975 on the investment of $57 million. This is less cheap than the other existing modern wonders. The tower boasts of it unbelievable statistics of safety and accuracy. The regular inspection kept the formation within the plumb.

The initial design of the tower was prepared by A Toronto firm with the assistance of some expert engineers. Their novel plan first showed 3 towers which were connected by structural bridges. Later on the design evolved into a single tall tower encompassing 3 hollow "legs."


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