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subject: Online MLM Secrets – Keys To Building Your Online MLM Business [print this page]

Online MLM Secrets -
Online MLM Secrets -

I find when talking to folks about our business, people constantly tell me that they think our business is complex and difficult. Believe me NOTHING could be further from the truth! I you're anything like me (and probably most others who get involved in the industry) you've probably bought or read hundreds of ebooks, taken heaps of online courses from so-called "gurus", been to a few high pitch seminars only to get nowhere and earn absolutely nothing.

How many times have you read or heard something on the internet and find yourself thinking "NOW I REALLY understand how to do this! Now I'm REALLY going to make some money." And how many of these so called "Gurus" claim that they can teach you the secrets of success in just a couple of weeks with their amazing, brand new "5 Day E-Course for the special low price of just !" Right?

Let me tell you friends, the key to success in this business is simple, basic and right in front of you. You don't need to sign up for any more courses, buy any more Ebooks or go away on any more 3 Day Courses/Seminars. Here are a couple of our own "secrets" that will help you avoid the pitfalls of promoting your MLM Business Online:

1. Develop Your Passion

It all starts with a Burning Desire To Succeed. With gut wrenching desire to do whatever it takes, no matter what comes against you, you can achieve anything you want and have anything you can dream of. But you've got to have something to get you through the hard times because one thing is for sure;

"If you want to have the things that others can't, you've got to be willing to do the things that others won't."

And believe me; you'll either pay the price of success or you'll pay the price of failure. And that means doing the things you haven't been willing to do until now.

Now don't get me wrong, I think you have to be very clear with yourself what you are and aren't willing to do to become successful. After all these years in the industry, we have a VERY good idea of what we are NOT willing to do. We often find ourselves running away from people (some in our upline) telling us to do the same old things that didn't work for us ten years ago. No Way!!

So why not start as you mean to go on. What will life look like when you're successful; what do successful people do each day to maintain his/her success. Steven Covy wrote an excellent book called "7 Habits of Highly Successful People". It teaches us about the little things that successful people do every day to become and stay successful .

This industry is no different; learn the habits of highly successful people and then do the daily things they do to become and remain successful. It's really that basic! In the bad "old days" it was; make a list, make the calls, show the plan, follow through, tapes, books, functions right? Well, times have changed and things have moved on. Get in step, learn the skills, rinse and repeat!

Make a decision NOW to do whatever it takes to make it. Then just get on with it! What are you waiting for!

Exposure The Key To MLM Success

Online MLM is all about Exposure; whoever has the best exposure wins! Always be promoting, always be Marketing ....Yourself. MLM success has really been about Attraction Marketing much longer than we realise, but that's something that only the very successful in the industry understood. MLM leaders like Dexter Yager and Jodie Victor have understood the concepts of Attraction Marketing for decades. It's really only now that the industry has gone Online that these principles are being taught to new business people through courses like Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring.

It's how you promote yourself that has become the key to exposing people to your business opportunity. Prospects will get involved in your business only when they know and trust YOU. Your ability to expose, promote to and connect with your prospect will determine your success rate.

But remember, be yourself!! Don't try to make yourself out to be a Guru, people will see through that in a second. We unashamedly promote ourselves as the "Failed Network Marketers". We failed for years in this business, just like many, many others. We're not ashamed or embarressed about it. That's what makes success in this industry all the more enjoyable; we can relate very well to others who have struggled for years! We've only just started to find success in this business, we've finally found out how to do this and teach it to others. Even with the limited success we've had over the last six months, we're finally on our way and it feels great!

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple .Sally??

There's a lot to be said for keeping things simple these days. Learn the basics and do them well. In the age of the internet, with the amount of information available from the millions of online "gurus", it can be very hard to avoid "information constipation".

Stay on-course and don't get distracted by idea of the month preachers who claim to have all the answers. YOU have all the answers at your finger tips, just learn how everything fits into place. If you've been involved with MLM for any length of time (and I'm presuming you have) you probably know more that most anyway. Just make a simple list of things you think you need to learn; learn them, put them into practice and then go on to the next. Learn, rinse and repeat.

Once you get going, you'll realise just how simple things are. It's really not that complicated once you get going. Don't be intimidated by what you don't yet know, just start learning as you go. And remember, there are very few people willing to do what you are willing to do (have done) to become successful in this Industry. Always keep that in mind, you're already successful just by doing what you're doing. Just keep doing it and you will ultimately be successful. Learn, rinse and repeat.

You can do it, you're a champion.

Hope that helps!

Online MLM Secrets Keys To Building Your Online MLM Business

By: David Sutherland

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