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Using Twitter For Business

Author: John Stover
Author: John Stover

Lots of people are tweeting even as you are reading this. And many of them are doing it with the express idea of promoting their business and brand online. Are you among them?

Using Twitter for business purposes is an idea that has caught on in many online sectors. The whole idea of Twitter is in making quick and easy connections with lots of other people around the globe. As such it doesnt matter whether your business is global, local, based online or off you will find many potential customers and clients on the site if you take the time to use it regularly.

The first rule of using Twitter to find new business is to make sure you present a professional home page. Twitter allows you to change the background and appearance of your home page, so dont leave it as you find it when you first join up. And make sure your username is a good one using your own name or business name is often the best way to go.

Next, make sure you tell people a little bit about yourself in the bio section of your home page. What services do you provide? Let people know so the idea of using your services is immediately out there as a possibility.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when using Twitter for business is that they focus on themselves and their business almost exclusively. In order to gain business and win trust from people you need to appeal to them and provide value and knowledge.

Ask yourself this question. Would you follow someone on Twitter if all they did was to promote their blog, website and product in every tweet they published? Of course you wouldnt. It would get very boring very quickly, and there would be nothing in it for you. All the people who get large followings on Twitter are providing good value and good information. They link to other sites of interest as well as their own. They offer just enough to pique peoples interests, and they encourage people to get in touch for further information.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember is to use the site regularly. This is how you will get the best results from it. You will often see people join the site and tweet heavily in the first couple of days, promoting their goods and services left, right and center. And when they dont get the results they want from it they disappear for months on end.

No one will follow a tweeter who is this irregular. You must start with the intention of building and developing a group of followers who will be interested in what you have to say. In addition you should start following other people as well. Remember that Twitter is all about those connections, and the more you make and the more you interact with people, the better your results will be.

In short, if you arent using Twitter for business yet, there has never been a better time to start.About the Author:

John Stover is a full time Internet Marketer, and has ben using Twittter for business, for over a year

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