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subject: Dedicated server- the lifeline of your business [print this page]

In your office you will see one reserved computer running all the time. That is the master computer and the foundation through which the rest of the systems ion the office works. In technical terms, it is called the dedicated server. Since most of the systems work on windows platform, you have a separate windows dedicated server.

In the business of web hosting and data, a dedicated server is a must and generally outsourced from a service provided. This is easy for the companies because managing windows dedicated server is again a very tedious job and needs monitoring 24x7. Therefore hiring a third party for the services is an intelligent idea.

The function of a dedicated windows server is to connect all the computers in the network and act like the mother computer. This dedicated windows server could also be the master computer that manages printer resources and other equipment like fax machines and scan machines. However, all the servers are not always dedicated servers. It can also act as an independent system sometimes, but generally this is the case when there are not many computers attached to the windows dedicated server.

When you go to outsource windows dedicated server, look out for experts. In such a way, you could be empaneled with a team of experts trained with cutting edge technology. They would be able to give you innovative ideas and also suggest you the right way to network and make the most of the connection. Go for a cost effective package because this is a running investment and you will have to bear this throughout the year, so be careful with your budget.

Windows Dedicated Server should be on a high bandwidth because the speed of your business will depend upon the pace at which your server would be running. After sale services is another important factor to consider because someone must be available 24x7 to solve any problem and in case of emergencies. Look for a windows dedicated server service provider who will provide immediate & easy installation with the latest web tools.

Dedicated server- the lifeline of your business

By: saima Triphor

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