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subject: Using Opt-in Lists For Your Online Business [print this page]

Opt-in email lists can either be the key to your

online business success.If you are trying to build an online business, then you are looking for people who are already online and who tend to do business online. Every day the internet grows by another 3% through upgrades, additions, and of course first time users. Those who have any type of online account also have an email account, as internet connection software includes email as part of the package.

When you have a

online business the key is getting your product to the right buyer is absolutely vital.But what kind of customer do you want? Do you want to reach every potential lead on the internet? Do you want to flood email in-boxes around the world with your products? Or do you want to find the best match for your products? Using opt-in email lists are still an effective and efficient method of marketing your online business. Whether you are trying to sell a product or are attempting to recruit others to join you, those who join into an email list do so because they want to be there and want the information.

Opt-in lists are populated by people who have agreed to receive email from specific types of marketers. If you go to a fishing web-site and sign up for their mail list, you have opted in. If you allow this site to share your email with other fishing sites, you have opted in again. Net consumers frequently share their email in this way, and are usually very happy to do so. It is a simple and effective way to get offers and information from not just one vendor, but many, and most consumers welcome these emails.

There are two basic types of opt-in lists. The first is collected by the merchant her self from her own page, and can be as simple as an email link stating that you, the merchant, will send occasional information to your customers. The people who click this button want you to write them, and they are by far the most likely to buy from you again. The second type is a list purchased from a reputable researcher, a list compiled from willing buyers who have expressed an interest in your product or service. Remember, however, that the key distinction is that the email addresses on both of these lists were willingly shared by their owners.

One of your goals for your

online business is to put your products into the hands of the people most likely to buy it. Youve written stellar sales copy, and your product is unique and highly desirable, so why waste your time and effort trying to reach people who have shown no interest in it? Random email lists have response rates as low as 1%, and some lists never generate a click-through to your site. Purchased opt-in lists, on the other hand, can generate a 10% visit rate, or higher. It makes good business sense to reach the right people with opt-in lists.

by: Randy

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