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subject: California Tax Credits For Businesses [print this page]

If one speaks of California tax credits for business, one speaks of good pay back that the government awards you because your company is doing good for the economy in general, the community around them, the environment, and research and development as a whole. Basically, tax credits are incentives given by the government so that a company will open up to serve a community more that it will take from it.

California tax credits are usually not refundable, but the great thing about them is they can be applied to the next round of when a company or an organization pays their annual taxes to the government. Lets picture the normal scenario of when businesses pay regular taxes. One would take their gross income and subtract the tax deductions from it. Calculating the taxes owed it is then applied to the respective tax table issued by law. The tax credits can then be applied to the outcome which means that fewer taxes are paid by the company that year because of all the good developments and contributions they have made to the economy, innovation, community or environment for the year.

California tax credits are one of the most progressive kinds of taxes that can be applied when comparing it to other states. The positive actions that their state laws encourage and reward have made it easy for companies to become more community friendly as well as environmentally friendly. For instance, if a business makes an innovative decision to switch from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy (through wind or solar power), this means that they will get lots of California tax credits for businesses that they can apply to the next tax cycle. By doing this, the California government basically rewards good deeds and encourages more good deeds to be done by giving solid and applicable incentives for businesses.

by: Tyson Flanagan

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