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subject: Buying Out Partner Procedure For Small Business [print this page]

The buying out partner procedure refers to the process by which one owner of a company pays another owner of the same company for his or her share of the company. This procedure usually occurs when a partner can no longer continue to be a part of the company, either due to major conflicts, retirement, relocation, or other reasons.

The first step of the buying out partner procedure is to figure out if this action is practicable. A business owner must be able to plan another way to manage the workload that the other partner will be leaving behind. If buying out a partner could negatively impact the success of a business, another way to handle the situation must be evaluated.

The second step is to estimate the total value of the company and the partner's proportionate share of that value. It is a good idea to have a buy-sell agreement that presents formulas and charts to help calculate the value of a company and each partner's share of that value. Many business that go through with the buying out partner procedure do so through an intermediary who helps both sides negotiate the cost of the process.

The buying out partner procedure can be time consuming and expensive. Individuals must also consider the affects buying out a partner has on taxes. If those taxes are ignored, it could end up costing a business owner even more money.

Buying out partner small business generally refers to small business owners who are looking to purchase another owner's shares of the same business. Partners may choose to leave a business if they are moving, retiring, or otherwise can no longer be a part of the company. There are many financial resources available to owners who are looking to buy out a partner.

The first step to buying out partner within a small business is to determine the value of the partner's share of the company. One way to do this is to consider how much the partner has invested in the business and what the business is currently worth. This information can be found in the business's financial documents.

The next step in buying out a partner in a small business is to find funding to pay for the buy out. Most lending institutions do not offer loans specifically for buyouts. However, they do offer loans that can be used for almost any business activity. In order to qualify and apply for one of these loans, most lenders require business owners to supply business and personal financial documents, credit reports, and, on occasion, a business plan. Businesses with stable financial histories typically obtain larger loans with lower interest rates than businesses with poor credit histories. Like with any funding source, loan amounts and terms will vary by lender and by type of funding obtained.

by: Brian Jones

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