subject: California Automobile Insurance Quotes Online [print this page] Each state has a set of laws pertaining to insurance for an automobile. Therefore, before you decide on taking out an insurance policy you need to make sure as to what these laws are because if you do not follow them you will end up in serious troubles. They currently have new laws available in California. This will seriously affect the liability insurance in this particular state. Make sure that you are aware of these laws so that you do not end up having to pay heavy fines. You can find all the information you need regarding these laws and insurance online. Let's learn about California automobile insurance quotes online.
The authorities made an amendment to the vehicle code in California during the year 2006. Previously there was a strict regulation on the vehicle liability law in California, but in this particular year, they increased after reviewing the laws that were in place already.
One of the most crucial changes they made was the fact that drivers with a license have to proof that they have death and injury insurance. For one person the cover have to be a minimum of about fifteen thousand dollars.
If you have more than one person you want insurance for, then you need to have a cover of almost thirty thousand dollars together with another five thousand dollars for any damage to property.
The above proof of documentation is something that you have to keep with you at all times while you are driving. The proof comes in different forms such as documentation from the insurance company, your ID card, a letter from the Department of Motor vehicles or an Insurance certificate.
If you have one of these with you on the road, you can safe yourself from having to pay a fine if they catch you. One question, which you might have on your mind, is as to when you have to produce this proof.
You need produce your proof if an officer from the law stops you, if you are involved in a car accident or when you go to renew your license. Remember that you have to show them your proof even if the accident you are in is not your fault.
Although California has a lower liability insurance level than many states, you still need to adhere to the laws pertaining to this insurance. This will give you more reason to find out what the laws in your own state is regarding insurance, so that you will know which options are better for you as an individual.
by: Lance Thorington
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