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subject: How To Make Money? How To Create A Cash Flow? [print this page]

How to Make Money?
How to Make Money?

How to Create Cash Flow? Basic Knowledge

As anything in our life money have their own laws. It is impossible to become rich if you do not know basic rules according which money are working. The secret of wealth is not in earning money, but in saving and multiplying them.

Not long time ago I have dreamt of winning a lottery. I thought hat this will decide all my problems. But I want you to know, that no matter how much you win sooner or late you will become even more poor than you was before. What are the typical thoughts of almost every jack pot dreamer? I will: buy a house, bye a car, I will travel, I will give money for those relatives/friends who need it. Have you noticed that here is only one idea: spending, spending, spending. And if you permanently bite an apple it will end.

For all time people have always loved money. Just as they love it now, they will continue to do so in the future. However, at the same time not having enough money causes suffering for billions of people. What a nightmare! What's the problem with making money? Maybe its just that we don't understand it. Why do so many people get depressed when they think about making money? Perhaps because

we are instinctively afraid of things we do not know much about how to create a cash flow.

Almost everyone knows ways to make money and they think this is enough for success and financial freedom. But look at the people who by the age of 50 earn five times more than at 25. Are they more successful? More protected? Can they now work just for fun? Do they have enough cash flow? Of course not. They may have better cars, larger homes, better credits, more sophisticated food and more expensive clothes, but they have failed in changing the most important thing. Every day they still have to find ways to make more money. As a consequence, these people missed out on freedom.

How many hours per month do you exchange for money? How much money do you get without any effort?

One of my friends is earning over $500,000 a year but neither I, his wife, his children (I wonder how they were even born), nor his friends ever see him. We sometimes hear about him and know that he often complains about his health, his boss and employees, that he is tired, busy or has not used any of his vacation time. We see him once a year at his birthday party if, of course, he can get there. We understand that we do not want to live the way he does. He has money but does not have a quality lifestyle. I call this income low-quality.

Financial Freedom

Control over your financial life can provide you with important resources such as more time, increased cash flow and better health. I list time first because this is the most important component of our financial freedom.

So what you should learn when dreaming of Financial Freedom?

-how to spend your money

-how to save your money

-and, of course, How to Increase Your Money by creating a Cash Flow

Where can you learn all these things? In School? College? Now I know only 1 place where you can do it. International School of Investments and Finance

In the course Master of Personal Finance and Master of Investments the most successful investors will tell you about:

Investments goals

Financial Planning

Investment Instruments

Principle and rules of investment

Investment Strategies

Personal Finance

If you can not control the process You CAN NOT manage it. Control is understanding of the laws and schemes according which these or that processes are developing. Money is not the exception. Begin to understand money, take them under your control, Grow Rich!

by: Anna Nikulina

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