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subject: How To Use Sem To Effectively Market Your Business Online [print this page]

More traffic to your website means more sales for your business. If you want to reach all potential customers, you have to use SEM or search engine marketing. This form of marketing will put your website in various places so that more people will see it.

For example, if you want your customers to see your website as they are reading about information that pertains to your business, you should pay to have your website link displayed. Your website may appear as an advertisement that appears when a person rolls over or clicks on something, or it may just run automatically.

Another way that you can use SEM to market your business is to pay to have your link displayed whenever someone searches for information that is relevant to your website. If you own a clothing boutique, and you want to have your website displayed on the top of a results page, you could pay to have it listed first.

Lets say you want your website to come up first if someone is searching for clothing. First you would have to define the keywords that will be used during a search in order to display your website in the results page. You then pay the search engine to have your website displayed first every time someone put in keywords such as trendy clothes.

If you have not gotten a lot of new traffic to your website, then its time for you to evaluate your SEM strategy.

If you are already paying to have your website show up the first few listings on a results page, you should consider revising the keywords or adding more keywords. You can also pay to have your site appear first under search listings for videos or images. Make sure that your website has a video that contains material relevant to your business.

To use video effectively, you should make sure that the sound and picture quality are top notch. If your site visitor cannot hear or see your video very well, they will quickly exit your site. If someone is looking for an image of your business or some product that you sell, you should pay to have it included in a results page for search engine images.

If you are not doing so already, you should consider using updating your video every week. Its hard to do that and make the video compelling for viewers, but it is worth the trouble. Keep your older videos on your website so that they will also appear on the video search engine results page. When you update your video, you can introduce new products or feature a different product every week.

You should always provide some news about the industry in your video. This way if someone is searching for the latest industry news, your website should appear. You should also create a blog for your website and keep it updated on a weekly or daily basis. When you use a variety of SEM strategies, traffic will increase to your website.

by: Rob Smith

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