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subject: How To Find More Web Design Business Clients [print this page]

So youre running a web design business, everything is set, youve got all the materials and resources you need, all the software and supplies, but you still need more clients to run your web design business successfully and make some hard earned profit!

Firstly, the most powerful marketing tool you can use is completely free and proven over time is the most effective, word of mouth. Enlist your own family and friends to spread the word about your web design services. Starting off small is how to begin so send emails to everyone in your address book stating what you do, where you are and what you can offer. Motivate people to use word of mouth by introducing a referral scheme whenever some gets you a new client through word of mouth, reward them, offer them a free service or a financial reward!

One of the most important things about getting new clients is keeping them, love your clients! Get in touch with past and current clients whenever you have a new service to offer them and offer discounts and rewards to clients so carry on using your service. Out of sight is out of mind, creating your own custom calendars or posters to offer to clients so they can have a constant reminder of your great service, give them away for free to show your good will to clients!

Dont just talk the talk, to get more clients youll have to walk the walk. Get to as many web design events, conferences, seminars and meetings as possible as possible, clients love to see first hand your web design services you offer. Socialise and always have a business card at the ready, you never know where a potential client might be. Be social online as well as offline, get active on blogs and forums so you can draw people back to your web sign site.

Use every means to promote your website and service! Get t-shirts printed with your website URL/address as that extra bit of promotion goes a long way! Offer branded pens or paper at events, publish your web design business on the Yellow Pages or industry newsletters or even give something away for free.

Use the media to your advantage to pull clients towards your web design business. Issue press releases related to your business and try and get into newspapers and magazines, this is completely free and will create widespread awareness of your business. Do something out of the ordinary and pull a publicity stunt to promote your business, think big and powerful but be careful as if you dont plan well, it could have a negative effect on your business.

But hey, why do the clients always need to find you? Try looking through job directories both offline and online to find potential web design jobs for you to complete, this will help you build relationships with new clients and could lead to long term work. Try calling up potential clients, sending post cards or sending fun promotional items but beware that this may alienate some clients who see this as cold calling.

So there you have it, lots of ideas to get you started on finding more clients for your web design business! Try to use as many techniques as possible to make your search for new clients as effective and successful as possible!

by: Gino Orlandi

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