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subject: Raising Wool Sheep - 3 Things You Need To Know When You Venture Into This Profitable Business [print this page]

Raising wool sheep can be a very profitable business. There is a constant demand for wool by the fashion industry and being able to produce the best quality wool will bring you considerably high income.

Here are some things you need to know when raising wool sheep:

The quality and type of wool you get from raising a wool sheep varies depending on its breed. All kinds of wool can be used in a variety of products. Wool is usually flame resistant and can be water or sweat absorbent or resistant.

o The American Cormo, Booroola Merino, Debouillet, Delaine-Merino and Rambouillet are breeds that produce fine wool. Fine wool is usually used in the fashion industry to make scarves, jackets and other forms of clothing.

o The Border Leicester, Lincoln, Perendale, Coopworth, Cotswold, and Romney are examples of long wool breeds and are best for spinning wool.

o Brecknock Hill, Finnsheep, Panama, Polypay, and Targhee East Friesian, Columbia, Corriedale, are breeds of wools sheep that produces meat, milk and wool.

o On the other hand there are many other breeds of sheep that aren't used for wool purposes.

These sheep usually shed their fur seasonally.

It does not require a special diet. Keeping them healthy an in the right weight will of course affect their longevity.

It requires you to have them sheered. Sheering sheep is usually done by a professional but can be learned with proper training. Of course the whole point of raising wool sheep is to harvest their wool; however the other purpose of sheering is so your sheep won't be prone to heatstroke during the summer season.

What are the benefits of raising wool sheep?

The demand for wool has been growing steadily despite the global recession. Countries like China are big wool buyers and as of the moment there is a constant demand for wool but a deficiency in supply. Thus this the perfect time to endeavor in raising sheep for wool.

In some regions, wool demand is declining however, wool is a very adaptable textile product and can be used in a variety of ways such as for absorbing oil from oil spills.

It benefits your country's employment rate since sheering provides jobs for many. Wool is also an in demand and profitable export product, especially now with its low supply.

Raising sheep with multiple purposes such as a milk and meat source can have multiple income benefits.

Raising Wool Sheep - 3 Things You Need To Know When You Venture Into This Profitable Business

By: Chris Hill

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