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subject: How To Win Pick 6 Lottery Secrets - Cash 6 Lotto Tips [print this page]

If you want to learn how to win Pick 6 lottery, then read this. You will learn how to play the pick 6 lotto the right way.

If you are a regular lottery player, I am sure you are always looking for ways to win the lottery. Let's look at one tip that will allow you to maximize your number potential as well as your lottery results.

Once you have selected your numbers, you want to use those numbers for 16 games in a row. Now I am not telling you to spend a whole bunch of money. You will still need to stay committed to your budget and goals. You still want to keep in mind that you want to continue to minimize your goals. If you live in the United States, there are 2 drawings every week, so continue to use the numbers that you have selected for 8 weeks. You do this so that your numbers are working for you over the long haul.

After you have completed 8 weeks or 16 games, then select some new numbers and play the new set of numbers for another 8 weeks. It is important for you if you want to get the maximum results to stay committed to those numbers for that period of time.

Again, the goal is to maximize your chances of winning over the long run and to minimize your losses in the process. This is the best way to do it and achieve the results that you are looking for. Remember that you must stay committed. So don't just try to play one or two times. You won't be allowing your numbers to work to their fullest potential.

by: Ace Lee

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