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subject: Pbx Phone System - Is It Right For Your Business? [print this page]

A PBX phone system is the right telecommunication alternative for small, medium and home-based business offices. By implementing the PBX phone system, low budget businesses can deliver excellent customer support services and thereby create a professional image in the corporate world.

PBX System for Clear and Effective Communication

The PBX telephone system is designed with an assortment of stylish call management to help small businesses manage their communication efficiently. These include auto attendant, call forwarding, call conferencing, voicemail, fax to email, voice to email, automatic call distribution, caller identity, music on hold and lots more.

The auto attendant, functioning as the live receptionist provides callers to your business office with a professional communication experience. It greets callers with appropriate salutations and provides them a menu of options featuring dial-by-extension, dial-by-name and so on. Calls are instantly forwarded to the right extensions according to the choice of the caller. It manages several calls arriving together with superior proficiency and performs call transfer without sending out 'connection busy' signals. Thus, this system does away with the need for call answering staff in your office.

Call Forwarding Features offer Greater Flexibility

With the advanced find-me/follow-me call forwarding feature, business calls can be easily forwarded to your extension phone numbers including cell phones and personal landlines. This feature helps your workforce to operate from convenient sites and significantly improves their productivity. Calls remaining unanswered in these extensions are quickly transferred to the voicemail system, where callers can place voice messages. These voice messages are also forwarded to your email account, so that immediate responses can be provided to customer queries. New message arrivals are alerted on your cell phone. With all these features, you can focus on business functions without being concerned about missed calls or messages.

Saving on Investment

Small businesses can enjoy all the functionalities of the PBX phone systems without investing in expensive hardware. The necessary equipment is maintained by service providers at their site and PBX functions are offered using broadband Internet or telephone networks at economic monthly rents.

by: John Kinskey

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