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What Article Marketing Can Do For Your Online Business

As an Internet marketer, it's your job to keep pushing the limits and try out new ways to promote your product online. For most of us though, we haven't always exhausted all the available methods that have long since proven to be effective. If you have the motivation, then article marketing is well worth your time if you've not yet taken advantage of it. There will always be new marketing methods coming out every single day, but article marketing will have its own place.

This is one of those methods in which you truly can get started on a shoe string budget. Your risk is your time, and the potential ROI can be most impressive. The one thing about this strategy is that it's like planting something because it will require some patience to see the results you want. So we'll be covering 3 excellent benefits of article marketing in this article.

Just like anything else, people use things for different reasons, and with article marketing you'll find lots of marketers using them to help with search engine positioning/rankings. Articles are a favorite for quite a few online marketers in the way of providing backlinks from article directories and various other Web 2.0 type of sites. Basically people publish their articles on different websites, and of course there are ways to do what is called "repurposing" articles that are further used elsewhere.

One of the unique aspects of article marketing is that it supplies you with several distinct streams of traffic. When you submit your article to directories, you will get some direct traffic from them, which is your first stream of traffic. Then there is referral traffic, where your readers email the article to their friends if they like it. You can also get search engine traffic, if you optimize your articles using keywords that you can rank highly with. Last but not the least; your article may just spread around if webmasters and newsletter owners pick it up to publish it. Article marketing, therefore, has many possibilities for getting traffic and publicity.

If you've never used article marketing, then here's something for you: repurpose them, and one excellent example is using them in your emails to your marketing list. Simply load your targeted articles into your autoresponder and let your prospects subscribe using their name and email address. After you have chosen your articles and made any revisions, such as shortening them, then put into your email management service (autoresponder), and then you're good to go. You will discover that your well-written articles will go far to create an excellent business relationship with your subscribers. There are many other ways to use articles, so just look around and get creative.

So many marketers have experienced the awesome power of article marketing. There is a lot more you can learn about article marketing, and we heartily encourage you to explore it. No matter what, though, keep diversifying your marketing and always keep testing different methods.

What Article Marketing Can Do For Your Online Business

By: Leonardo Potts

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