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Designing Your Custom Business Postcards

Custom business postcards make for a great advertising medium, but it is important they are designed correctly to make them effective sales material. Unfortunately, just picking out of the box postcard templates usually doesn't work for optimum effectiveness. You must be strategic with the design so that the postcard communicates the sales message emphatically and encourages your prospects to take action.

Make the Postcard Professional and Presentable

The design of your custom business postcards should be professional, not amateur. An amateur or homemade looking postcard will not be seen as presentable and most likely will be thrown away. enlist the help of a professional service for your custom business postcards, or search the internet for examples or templates which you can then mold into your own design.

Showcase the Product or Service Benefits

Your postcard should illustrate the main benefit of the product, not just showcase the product or it's features. You could also use the reverse of this and play to your prospects pains and fears if your product helps solve those problems. You want to appeal to the emotions of your prospects, whether it is positive by giving them an image of how their lives are better with your product, or negative by reminding them without your product.

An example of how you could use either would be a for a weight loss product such as a gym membership. You could show a fit person on a beach, with the encouraging message "look great on the beach this summer", or you could show an image of an out-of-shape person on the beach, with the message "join our gym so you don't look like this person on the beach this summer".

Show Multiple views of Your Product

If you are advertising a physical product, you want to make sure your prospects have a good idea of what it looks like, especially if it can be ordered online or by phone. If you can fit them, show a couple different angles of your product, at different sizes if necessary. Try to give as accurate an image as possible as if the customer was at your store shopping.

Finish With a Call To Action

Your custom business postcards should always end the message with a call to action that inspires your prospects to order or come down to your store. Such phrases as "while supplies last" or "hurry before the sale ends" are a couple examples a common effective call to action phrases.

Designing Your Custom Business Postcards

By: Chris Hope

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