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Win Pick 3 Lottery Tips - Win Cash 3 Lotto Secrets

In this discussion let's look at how we can generate pick 3 double combos. There are some definite benefits and we will look at these.

The benefit of generating double combination's numbers is that you can win more money when you win with it. This occurs because the lottery pays out more money on double combinations.

The main drawback of playing double combinations is that they don't hit as much as often as the single combinations hit. The double combinations win around 29% of the time.

So how do we generate the double combinations? The first thing that you will do is to enter 4 numbers into 4 columns along the top of your page. Each column we will call A,B,C and D. So whatever number is in column 1 will be translated to letter A. The number in column 2 will be translated to letter B. The number in column 3 is translated to letter C and the number that is in column 4 will be translated to letter D.

You will now generate 12 double combinations with 4 unique numbers. You will win a minimum of 3 out of 3number correctly if all of the 3 winning numbers are drawn out of your total 4 wheel numbers.

Your next move is to write down the various combinations. There are 12 different combinations that we will use. They are ABB, ACC, ADD, BBC, BBD, CCD, BAA, CAA, DAA, CCB, DDB, DDC.

To get the best results and get the best chance of winning, play all of the combinations that you have generated in your lotto wheel.

by: Ace Lee

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