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Perry Re-Elected as Texas Governor

America has seen many cases of mesothelioma over the years. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops due to asbestos exposure. Austin, Texas has one of the highest numbers of mesothelioma cases and asbestos claims filed every year.

Perry for 4 More

Rick Perry has been re-elected for another four year term as the Texas Governor. He may be America's next president. The people of the land see this as a positive change as Perry is very interested in the health care reforms of the state. As it goes, he has already made many changes in terms of these reforms including childcare and Medicaid and he has done it in a way where an economy is not ruined.

You Better be for Real

In his new campaign this time around, Rick Perry assured his people that he would work toward the reduction and stoppage of fake claims that seem to be costing the state much money and manpower. At the same time, Perry also says he will ensure that no real mesothelioma claim case goes unnoticed. Perry can be credited with passing one of the country's most sweeping and all encompassing medical liability reforms that ensures that fake and trivial medical malpractice cases are dealt with severely.

Sticking Up for the Plebian

Perry needs to ensure that all the promises that he made during his campaign are fulfilled at the earliest after his re-election and the people are not taken for a ride by their elected representative. He has claimed to pass motions to reduce the existing medical expenses incurred by the common man and make future medical expenses more viable as well.

America has seen many cases of mesothelioma over the years. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops due to asbestos exposure. Austin, Texas has one of the highest numbers of mesothelioma cases and asbestos claims filed every year.

Perry Re-Elected as Texas Governor

By: Nolan Bray

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