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subject: Benefits Of Biodegradable Drain Openers In The Plumbing Business [print this page]

Benefits Of Biodegradable Drain Openers In The Plumbing Business

The demand for eco-friendly cleaning products has increased in recent years. Drain cleaners that are biodegradable and non-toxic, offer multiple advantages over traditional chemical drain cleaner solutions. A chemical-based drain cleaner is often toxic, non-biodegradable, and requires special handling. You may also need specialized equipment to use and dispose off a chemical drain cleaner. Most states penalize cleaning and maintenance contractors for allowing hazardous wastes such as chemical drain cleaners to flow into storm drains.

In contrast, a green drain cleaner does not harm the environment and bio-degrades faster than traditional chemicals, leaving no pollutants behind. Certain green cleaners can also be used with steam cleaners that have plungers for opening drains, allowing a plumber to easily open drains without using harsh chemicals. These products can be stored in any moisture-free area and require no special handling and storage precautions.

Safe to Use

Green chemicals are non-toxic and pose no health hazard. They rarely cause allergies or chemical burns. You do not need any safety gear to handle these chemicals. In addition, these chemicals do not leave any poisonous residue, something that may harm business. They are chemically inert and do not react with substances other than dirt. They do not lead to corrosion of drains, sinks, as well as bathroom and kitchen fittings and ensure good customer approval. In addition, these green products do not have an unpleasant odor, unlike harsher chemicals that contain bleach.

Dissolves Blockages

A green drain-cleaner reacts chemically with dirt, breaking down dirt and grease molecules. Once the blockage disintegrates, it can be washed away. Not all drain cleaning chemicals are effective in removing blockages. Some products may remove only part of the dirt, leading to recurring drain blockage.

Look for a green cleaning chemical that can dissolve proteins, sugars, and other organic compounds, which are the most common components of drain obstructing substances. This will eliminate the need to buy separate cleaning supplies for different clogs. Organic compounds encourage the growth of bacteria and attract pests. This can cause serious hygiene issues.

For thorough cleaning, use a green cleaning chemical that can remove the even tiny dirt particles. You may also wish to pair the drain cleaning solution with a green odor remover. Green deodorizers eliminate residual odors by destroying their source. This will prove beneficial for removing odors left behind after the clog has been cleared.


Good drain cleaning chemicals offer value for their price. They come in highly concentrated solutions with varying dilution ratios to provide maximum value. This solution can be diluted for low-intensity cleaning applications where the blockage is not very heavy or used in the concentrated form for the hardest blockages. Bulk purchases can provide further discounts.

Using these chemicals will save your business the trouble of utilizing tougher methods of removing blockage, which often damage drains and plumbing and can involve considerable cost and effort.

Your plumbing business will benefit greatly from the use of these eco-friendly drain openers. Besides saving money, reducing effort, and increasing productivity, a biodegradable chemical drain cleaner and odor remover also guarantee user safety. The reduction in residues, odors, and corrosive impact of harsh chemicals leads to greater client satisfaction. Using these formulations requires no special preparation, and they offer a safe and economical alternative to traditional detergents.

by: AlanD

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