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Aarkstore Enterprise--high Speed Rail Infrastructure Component Manufacturing

High Speed Rail Infrastructure Component Manufacturing

Table of Contents :

Chapter 1: Executive Summary

Table 1-1: Accumulated Market Value of HSR Manufacturing Sectors by Type of HSR System, 2005 to 2009 (in $ millions)

Figure 1-1: Share of Miles of HSR Track Currently Installed, Under Construction, or Planned Construction, 2005 to 2009, Total Global and Asian Countries

Energy Conservation Drives HSR Development

Table 1-2: Transportation Capital Stock by Mode, 1999, 2008 and 2009 (in $ billions)

Demand for Freight Transportation Will Grow

Table 1-3: Commercial Freight Activity in the U.S. by Transportation Mode, 2002 vs. 2009

Transportation Effects of HSR

Figure 1-2: Total U.S. Railroad Stations and Amtraks Share of the Total, 1995 to 2009

U.S. Maglev Deployment Program Takes Off

Table 1-4: Projected Costs Per Mile of Maglev and Light-Rail Projects Worldwide (in $ millions)

Figure 1-3: Projected Country Share of HSR Miles by Type of HSR System, 2014

United States Progresses to HSR Future

U.S. Imports of HSR Components Decline

Table 1-5: U.S. Shipment Value of HSR Manufacturing Components, 2005 vs. 2009 (in $ millions)

Table 1-6: U.S. Shipment Value of HSR Manufacturing Components, 2005 to 2009 (in $ millions)

Table 1-7: Projected Total of Newly Constructed Miles of HSR Tracks Installed, by HSR System in 2014

China Develops Largest HSR Network

China Poised to Play Role in U.S. HSR Manufacturing

Europe Accelerates HSR Manufacturing

HSR Challenges Ahead

HSR Manufacturers Address Safety

Table 1-8: U.S. Transportation Fatalities by Mode of Transportation, 2005 to 2009

Chapter 2: Introduction and Overview

Report Scope


HSR Background


Maglev Technology Options

The German Technology

Japanese High-Speed Maglev Technology

Table 2-1: Planned Maglev HSR Manufacturing Projects in the U.S. and Germany

Transrapid International (TRI) Maglev System

Maglev 2000 System

U.S. Maglev Technology

Maglev Compared with Other Transportation Modes

Potential Maglev Disadvantages

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